iTOLC: Nagy Adrienne – I talk/ iTOLC stress-free


2022 jan 15


11:00 am - 12:00 pm

Tisztelt érdeklődő! Tájékoztatunk, hogy a foglalás 2022.01.12-én lezárult.

In this session we are going to look at a new way of designing and conducting oral tests, which in our experience, greatly enhances stress-free task fulfilment and promotes lifelike communication even in an exam setting. During the session we will share practical ideas, hands-on materials and exam tips that can help students ace the speaking test.

Adrienne graduated from CETT and also majored in English Language and Literature at ELTE.  Working in ELT for more than 20 years, she has wide experience in teaching different age groups from kids to adults. Currently, she is also working as a teacher trainer and examiner. At iTOLC Exam Centre she is responsible for assessment, validation and test development tasks.

Nagy Adrienne


Nagy Adrienne