Molnár Claudia – Online, offline and on again. Flexible learning for a flexible world


2022 jan 15


2:30 pm - 3:30 pm

Tisztelt érdeklődő! Tájékoztatunk, hogy a foglalás 2022.01.12-én lezárult.

The last couple of years have taught us, if nothing else, to be flexible and open to any eventuality at a moment’s notice. This has had a massive impact on education and pushed learners to become more autonomous in their language development. Teachers have also had to adapt their methods to meet these needs, including the implementation of strategies in the classroom that learners can use alone. Thus, creating flexible learning environments. In this workshop we will be exploring ways in which we can supplement our everyday teaching materials with online ELT Skills development.

Claudia has been in ELT for over 20 years, holds a Ph.D in Multilingualism, MEd. (TESOL), CELTA, DELTA and PGCE. She is the Head of English Language Pedagogy at the University of Pannonia, Hungary and a freelance teacher trainer, ELT consultant, author and editor.

Molnár Claudia


Molnár Claudia